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yours truly

im just an ordinary gurl.18 this year.. loves dancing..hip hop.breaking...poppin..lockin..etc..play sports..bball,football..can be crazy sometimes..loves making new friends...lame too...


dancing,play sports,watch movie, chat online,shopping, loves


backstabbers..unreasonable.. annoying..perverts. hate
bitch.. sluts..sohais..


[Cheryl Leong]



March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
March 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

i would like to say that




5:12 AM

i have not been writing on my blog for freaking loooong time
actually im just lazy to update my blog..
since blog is the only place i can express my feelings
and facebook is NOT that private anymore...
sometimes I just wanna write and share my stuff
but I couldnt
why!!! its so irritating..
little things i wrote in fb kena nag
and those of you who read this stay here
dont come to me and telling me this and that
i hate listening to those stuff
im not a celebrity
what for should i care
i just wanna share

telling me not to write this and that..
then what should i really write in my status
even just a small stuff i wrote there..like i ate this or im going smwhere but not even stating the venue also cannot
its like being kept in a cage
i should have just put my fb on private then

5:05 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

OMG..i can see spider webs around my blog..lol
i dont know how long i have not touch my blog..
theres too many things to write here
dont know where to start...
hmm..now its 2010
i'll start from here then
the past is the past
so im gonna leave it there..not gonna write about it
too lazy

and MYSELF...lol at BOON's mansion:)
It was super fun...and we stayed up till 3.30am..
tiring but worth it..since thats the last time i saw them before going back to UK..
too bad the GIRLS didnt come back for christmas and new year countdown..still in UK..sigh
anyways..really had great fun with them and i MISSES them so much now..:(

by the way, i went BANGKOK for 4 days 3 nights..celebrated christmas there.
whao..we shoppped like we never before...
things there are super cheap and nice..MUST go there again.:)
people there are so fashionable..macam Korean style
me likey :)
however, theres something that caught my eyes are the people there
there are a LOT of transexual but they really do look very pretty
and there are GIrls there who dress up like Guys
whao !! handsome sial..i cant differentiate them.
they just look too good.
the happiest thing was that I bought a HIGHDUNK ..wohoo..
though its fake but its super niceeeee :)
too bad cant see NICKHUN there :((
anyways i HAD GREAT FUN there obviously..
i want to go there again for SURE!!! photos uploaded in Facebook..check it out there..
lazy to upload here..kekeke

8:42 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009

i had the worst day of my life
i had the most painful day of my life
it is so unexpected
so scary
i never want to be in that condition anymore

for those who dont know what happened
i went for an emergency surgery
ironic aite

it was a normal day
when i suddenly get this pain in my stomache
i thought it was just a normal pain so i didnt telll anyone
it was after lec around 9am when the pain started to get worse
i thought maybe it will be just for awhile
but then i was wrong
it got worse by time.
i was sweating and crying
genie was with me that time
we were sitiing at mezzanine flr
tho she asked me to go home and rest
i said nevermind cause i dont wanna disturb my parents
but then the pain is just tooo overwhelming
genie was shocked then so she insisted me to go see doc or call my parents
my parents were working and it takes an hour or less to reach
so genie asked some of my friends who was sitting behind me all these while to see if anyone knows there are any clinic near by
my friends (joseph and xiang)doesnt know i was in pain cause im like just laying my head on the table
they were shocked and so they rushed me to the nearest clinic
i cant even walk properly that time
the pain kept coming
i was dizzy and kept grasping the left side of my body
cause there was the pain
when we reached the clinic i quickly throw myself into the couch and kept crounching my body
it was just too painful
no joke
the doc came and examine me ,gave an injection as a painkiller
but then it dosent work and i vomitted as welli kept pressing my left side of the body cause it was just too pain
it wont stop for even a second
my aunt came and then she talked to the doc
i was rushed to sjmc to see the specialised doc
i was put on a wheelchair
cause i just cant stand or walk
had to wait cause theres other patient
i was like kept thinking..how come this is happening to me
it was my turn..the doc even helped pushing my wheelchair when he saw my ugly condition
he scaned my lover part of the body around the stomache area
with that machine which is normally used to check preganant ladies
and guess what...theres this thingi..like a ball..as big as 8cm ..got twisted around my ovary or fibriod and that causes the pain..it wont stop
i was llike screamming..hittting the walls, biting the pillows and blankets.grasping the metal holder super hard cause the pain is just too overwhelming
im like a psycho
even the doc said im like gving birth
he said this pain is even worse than appendix and gving birth
imagine that...i feel like dying there
i kept rushing the doc to give me the painkiller..or maybe just knock me out
cause i just cant standit anymore
he said i had to do emergency surgery before its too late
if not it will turn black and dead
and will be cut offf.and thats not what i want
but then so..the surgery is at 3pm ...
and between that time all i can do is struggle
kept looking at the time..kept screaming like a pregnant lady gving birth..
sighh..it was just too horrible
theres a moment i was just too tired aready
i just let it pain..i cant stand anymore
then time passed, almost time for surgery
pain is still there...n for a moment it got worse
my whole left side of the body gt numb
but the pain is still there
even until i was pushed into the operation theatre
im still screaming in pain
then the time came...i was in the room...breathing the pressure thingi which makes u fall asleep
and the next thing i know
i was outside the room..with no pain on the left side of the body
i was so happy when i went concious
the pain wasnt there anymore
that thing had been taken out
just left three wounds on my stomache
its pain tho but im relieved that its over
my parents were with me all the while..
what a day....
i was given a cd which we can see the process of the surgery
it looks like an alien egg to me LOL
black in color with water and has bones too wth

aniways thanks to all who came and visit me in the hospital
appreciate it much.. :)thanks to my friends who rushed me to the clinic too..lol..thanks to my mom who took care of me all day long too...loves

6:25 AM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Six and Picnics XD <3

me and lixin
me and hui qi

hui qi and hun yin candid shots

chui mun's expression.LOL

group pic..some went back di..sighh

went to swimming in the morning at country heights
swam few laps..ate breakfast..then head to one u and the curve
with liz and chui mun
went to one u...bought a dress from kitschen
meet up with THE SIX
im sooo sorrry babes that i couldnt stay long that day
then headed to the curve..RED BOX..
with some of my other college friends who are leaving soon to UK..sighh
rufus,minyi.hunyin.yuzhen,huiqi....supposingly with boon guan,sinyee and jinghang..but they couldnt make it..so..yeahh..
8 of us sang our lungs out in the room mann..VIP room..got our own toilet smmore..and PSP smmore..too bad we dont play...
aniways..we chose our songs..whatever kind of songs..new old .punk..rock..pop...
all of us went super high...screaming like rock star..
this is the best and most fun karaoke session i've ever been
seriously...and this is the first time..it is not boring...all of us sang..we even jump on the sofa..lol..
but still in the end..it was kinda sad..cause most of them are leaving malaysia reall soon

1:44 AM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

september had been quite an interesting month...
towards the end of it actually
during raya holidays..my family, me and some of my parents friend's family
went to Port Dickson for a two whole day trip
i can say this trip is super fun
eventhough it is just two days and one night trip
okeyy..cut it short..
we went there ..took about 2 hrs..kinda fast tho
then we checked in...got our room
changed our clothes and went to swimming!!!! i took a short nap first
we went to the beach...played with the water
then my sis and my other aunts( they came later) joined us
i played with the mud( beneath the sea) ..rubbed it around my body..
its kinda make your skin smoother..seriously
then we had a small photoshoot..
me,emily and cindy (wearing bikinis XD)
posing and jumping..FUN!!!
then around in the evening ..
we had LOK LOK( a truck where customers can have like a small steamboat there and there are all kinds of food there..just dip it into the hot pot..and then EAT..
ALL FOR OURSELVES..at the beach
how romantic mann XD
we eat and drink( beer, wine, cocktails)
and then we had a catwalk session with out very own emcceess..
it is super funny!!!
All of us are HIGH!!! best part is when we were preparing to clean up ..suddenly rain kept falling
and it is getting heavier...we run our lifes back into the resort
its kinda fun ..
i got abit drunk..so when we reached back to our room..i took a deep nap..others were playing cards and stuffs..screaming here n there
then the next day...early in the morning..we went for breakfast first
then we went for JUNGLE TREKKING..wheee
it is super fun tooo..the weather was nice tooo.the path was kinda rough...we had to becareful
took pics and vids along the journey
and at last we reached the beach at the other side of the jungle..
it is such a beautiful scenery
one thing that spoilt it is the monkeys
because there were lots of us there..and we took off our shoes..
the monkeys were trying to steal it from us
monkeys there are fierce..at first there was only one ..then came a few..on top of the trees
they dont scare us..eventhough there were lots of us there...
thats why we cant stay there for long..all we can do is to slowly walk away from them...but then they kept coming nearer
my dad and uncles stayed behind to protect.they have big sticks with them luckily
so..we headed back ..
some of us went to see the lighthouse
from up there..it was a breathtaking scenery i can say..XD
then its SWIMMING time again..
we went to the beach first to cath some crabs..then we played in the swimming pool..in the middle of the pool, there was a small pub where u can buy drinks and snakcs to enjoy with while swmming..XD NICEEEE
played till around 4pm..then we went up and bathed..then we had our lunch...packed our things and head back home
tho it was tiring but it was superrrrrrrr funnn..

10:39 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009


drunk face lol

crazy chui yee and the wine bottle..

on the 12/09/09..me, liz,chuiyee n chui mun went to Wilkin's farewell parteyy at his house..haiz..one of our good friend is going overseas to study..gonna miss you mann:( boonguan went too.when we reached there, we run up to upstairs and found wilkin fixing his hair..lol..first time seeing him spike up his hair..wooo~not bad mann..lol.we gave him the card we wrote and a present for him XD he kept asking us whats inside ..we told him that its a sweet..4 times sweeter than the normal ones...jokinly..then we tricked him and say its a boxer..LOL..he really believed..but we warned him to open it up when we go back..aniways, he brought us downstairs and we get some food to eat..some of his college friends came too..we sat together and chat..wheee~made new friends...the funniest thing happened is that sin yee's bf-rufus..when he came..he was talking to liz first then out of nowhere he match make me with a guy..omgeee mann..before that me n THAT guy already introduce ourself and talked abit..but when rufus came..he thought we haven met each other yet...i think because of him..we introduced oursleves for like three times ..he is like scandaling me and him..he kept talking to me about HIM.im like just laughing my ass off nii..HE is not bad looking aniways but then it is just funny..and this is even before rufus knows my name..this guy is great mann..salute*..then went sinyee came..he go spread that im interested in that guy and sinyee played the game with him..kept pushing me to him.lol..then this scandal went on and on..i think most of his friends also thinks that im interested in him..wilkin and hunyin even opened his facebook and let me see his pics in the profile..LOL..and they asked me to do someresearch on cars(his interest)..LOL..super funny this people...loves them <3>

4:12 AM